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sign type: aluminum and fabric sleeve-over cage sign
sign description: temporary Van Ness Motor Inn prop sign for the 2010 movie The Town (Ben Affleck). Aluminum frame wrapped in digitally printed fabric to slip-over and conceal the existing Howard Johnson Boston Hotel sign. VanNess Motor Inn is a fictitious company
brand: The Town, directed by and starring Ben Affleck, Charlestown Productions 2010, Boston MA
location: 1271 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 (Fenway Park)
property name: Howard Johnson Boston Hotel, Boylston Street
Temporary prop sign for the 2010 movie The Town (Ben Affleck). Aluminum frame wrapped with digitally printed vinyl fabric to slip-over existing Howard Johnson Boston Hotel on Boylston St. sign. Built and installed by ViewPoint Sign & Awning. VanNess Motor Inn is a fictitious company.